TN DocHub

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Official Resource Center for Polarity.Exchange:

Polarity is a Stablecoin Exchange Platform.

It leverages user familiarity by using USDT (Tether USD) as the exchanges’ base pair, not Bitcoin, making the experience closer to legacy finance.

It is run on a decentralized network for the vast security benefits it provides users and our own company.

Polarity is built off the Waves.Exchange 1.0 code, which was adapted for the Turtle Network DEX and then made into Polarity.Exchange.

Where to find my address?

User address can always be found in the top right hand corner of the client.

Address is denoted by the 3J format, example: 3JfSdQxjJn8xReJ73LZg7FTfB6TaXG5qHot

How to change fees?

Fees can be changed only when prompted for a transaction, you can modify the type of fee used to pay the network, TN is NOT required to use Polarity/TurtleNetwkork.