TN DocHub

The one place for all Turtle Network related documentation.

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About TN

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General info about

What is a Turtle Network address and where to find my address?

A Turtle Network mainnet address always starts with 3Jxxxxx. A user can find it in the right upper corner from the client.


What trading fees are supported?

Currently trades can be paid in 3 assets:

How to change fees?

In the trade box there is a small dropdown behind the default 0.04TN fee. This dropdown shows BTC/WAVES depending if a user has the assets available.


Is Ledger currently supported?

No currently it’s not possible to use any hardware wallet.

What do inactive pairs mean?

It means that the pair didn’t had volume for the past 24 hours. However the market might be active and there might be juicy offers.

Can I recover my account when I lost my seed?

No this is not possible. TNDex is like the name says a DEX. This means you and only you can access your account with the seed. This also means you need to keep the seed safely stored offline.

How do I get my funds in or vice versa

Both polarity.echange and are build on top from $TN, this means they use the same seed. This means one seed can be used for multiple wallets, but it also means to send funds to another $TN wallet, you can use the send function and use the native $TN address, instead withdraw through a gateway.

How does my asset get listed on

There are 3 options how you asset can be available on the dex:

How to build a swap service

There are multiple examples available from such a service, called a gateway: