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How to setup a new TN full node

Document Approvals
Document Owner: @Black_Turtle on Telegram
Document Creator/Editor: @gordobtel on Telegram

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Hosting

3. Turtle Network Node Setup – Step 1

4. Turtle Network Node Setup – Step 2

5. Turtle Network Node Upgrade

6. Other Useful Information

7. Video tutorial


The following tutorial will show the full steps in setting-up a Linux Full Node on the Turtle Network.

Note: Knowledge about using SSH is required. All access to the VPS server is securely done via port 22 (SSH).


Turtle Network Node Setup – Step 1

Note: All terminal sessions and commands from this step, will be done with the chosen ‘username’ from the ‘Hosting section’.

  1. Install the JDK/JRE 11 (64-bit version) with the following commands:
    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

    Note: Oracle JDK/JRE 11 with 64-bit version is required.

  2. Check the installation with the following command:
    • java -version, the output should show information similar to what is shown below:

    openjdk version “11.0.20” 2023-07-18 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.20+8-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu122.04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.20+8-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu122.04, mixed mode, sharing)

Note: The version might differ.

Turtle Network Node Setup – Step 2

Note: All terminal sessions and commands from this step, will be done with the chosen ‘username’ from the ‘Hosting section’.


  1. Download the current .deb package (check the latest release in the above link): wget (replace /v1.3.16/ with the latest version, replace tn_1.3.16_all.deb with the latest .deb version).

  2. Install the downloaded .deb file: dpkg -i tn_1.3.16_all.deb (replace tn_1.3.16_all.deb with the latest .deb version).

  3. Create a wallet on the Turtle Network:

    • then ‘Sign in’ or ‘Get Started’ and create a new account.
    • Important: Save your SEED & password securely and never loose.
    • Login to your wallet and record the following:
      • Wallet Address
      • Wallet Password
      • In Wallet, navigate to the ‘Backup’ item in the top-right section, click, then record your ‘ENCODED SEED’ which will be used later.
      • Log out of wallet
  4. Open and access Swagger to do the following:
    • Encrypt your API key, do the following:
      • Click on ‘Utils’ then "/utils/hash/secure"
      • Insert your own ‘custom api key’ in the ‘Value’ section then click ‘Try it Out’
      • Record your ‘custom api key’ and the ‘hash’ value which was generated by the previous command
  5. Edit the TN.conf file in /usr/share/tn/:
    • vi /usr/share/tn/conf/tm.conf (or nano /usr/share/tm/conf/tn.conf)
    • Change the following defaults:
      • # P2P Network settings section:
        • remove the ‘#’ then change: node-name = "My MAINNET node" --> change to your custom node name
        • remove the ‘#’ then change: declared-address = "" --> change to ‘yourstaticip:6860
      • # Wallet settings section:
        • change: password = "ridetheTN!" to your wallet password set in section 4.
        • remove the ‘#’ then change seed = "" to your ENCODED SEED noted in section 4.
      • # Node's REST API settings section:
        • enable = no --> change to ‘yes’
        • bind-address = "" --> change to
        • port = 6859
        • api-key-hash = "H6nsiifwYKYEx6YzYD7woP1XCn72RVvx6tC1zjjLXqsu" --> replace with your own hash key noted in previous section.
  6. Start the TN node: sudo service tn start or sudo systemctl start tn

  7. Watch the TN node log live (press ctrl+c to cancel): sudo journalctl -u tn.service -f & let it download the blockchain.

  8. Browse to & confirm your node is listed.

  9. Implement a Firewall using iptables (extra security):
    • Insert the below data into an executable file called TN_firewall for ease-of-use, basic configuration below:
    • Create file: sudo touch TN_firewall
    • Execute using: sudo ./TN_firewall
echo "*** Turtle Network Firewall ***"
# Setting variables
# Checking for iptables
echo "Checking for IPTABLES"

if ! [ -x $IPTABLES ] : then
        echo "ERROR IN CONFIGURATION: IPTABLES doesn't exist or isn't executable!"
        exit 1

echo "INPUT CHAIN... "
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6860 -j ACCEPT

echo "*** Turtle Network Firewall Complete ***"

Note: Port 80 uses a proxy to forward to port 6859 (unless you have Apache already installed where then you will need to specify :6859 after the url / ip)

Turtle Network Node Upgrade

Note: All terminal sessions and commands from this step, will be done with the chosen ‘username’ from the ‘Hosting section’.

  1. Backup your current TN.conf: cp /usr/share/tn/conf/tn.conf /usr/share/tn/conf/tn.conf.backup

  2. Stop the TN node: sudo service tn stop or sudo systemctl stop tn

  3. Get the updated files (Latest releases:

    • wget (replace *.deb with the latest .deb version)
  4. Install the downloaded .deb file: dpkg -i tn_1.3.16_all.deb (replace *.deb with the latest .deb version)

If you need to resync the entire blockchain because this is mandatory:

Remove TN data folder: `rm -rdf /var/lib/tn/data`

  1. Start the TN node: sudo service tn start or sudo systemctl start tn

Other Useful Information


Tutorial on node setup